Privacy & Terms of Use

Privacy Policy

All the personal information of the users collected at Bighnaharta Nepal is only used for the purpose of data collection and for functioning the website service. The policy is applicable to our online visitors.

Personal information contains but may not be limited to your name, email address, and contact details. As we are committed to protecting the privacy of our website users, no information will be shared with a third party unless stated.

The privacy policy shall come into effect from the date of its publication. If you have any confusion or queries regarding the Privacy Policy then kindly contact us at +977 9818349762.

Terms of Use

We welcome you to Bighnaharta Nepal! By accessing our website, you should know that you have also accepted our Terms of Use. If you do not wish to accept the terms mentioned herewith, you need not continue using the website.

Unless stated, all the relevant intellectual property rights including the software and content are property of Bighnaharta Nepal and shall not be extracted and used without the permission of the organization.

Bighnaharta Nepal has the sole discretion to alter and make changes to the terms of use. It is essential for you to review the Terms of Use regularly to keep yourself updated on any recent changes.